Thursday, February 2, 2012


The Camellia were in all there glory when we were at Middleton Place last weekend.  (But, in case you are thinking of going, they were still also loaded with more buds - GO!)

I took so many pictures and even Kirby got into the excitement of the moment and was finding perfect blooms for me to photograph.  The one above was his!  The way the early morning sun was shining on it was awesome - it glowed.
There are so many different varieties of camellia but I just call them Beautiful!
The camellia is the first of the flowers to bloom each year and they were just a little early this year due to our mild winter.  Their stark beauty next to the harsh brown of winter is so refreshing.

The plants at Middleton are old and mature.  That means they are BIG. 
Some of the blooms were already spent due to the warm weather.  This bed of fallen petals looks like an artist pallet doesn't it?  I love it!

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